I had the chance to ask upcoming Woman of Insight speaker Claire Booth about her perspectives on business and life in general. Claire will be the featured speaker at the upcoming March 7th Woman’s Advantage® Woman of Insight Dinner. Join us to learn more about Claire’s story, and to connect with other successful business women!

When you started your business, what is the one thing you now know that you wish you’d known then?
Hire before you think you need to. As a small business, it is impossible not to keep a close eye on expenses. But it is important to apply that same diligence to growth as well. If you know who the right hire is, or if the right person presents themselves, hire them!

How has failure made a positive difference in your business (or life)?
I once heard someone say “failure is success deferred” and that has resonated strongly with me ever since. I used to get really down on myself when I “failed” – there were many nights spent listening to my hamster wheel brain spin on the failure de jour. But, I went through a few of them and realized my business continued to grow and the hamster wheel started to slow down. I have learned so much from failure that I don’t use the word any more. There is no such thing. To me, “failure” is an experiment.

What would you say is your greatest achievement to date?
Two things – building the Lux Insights team and having a significant impact on my employees’ personal and professional growth. The second achievement is a fundamental shift in how I look at the world. Three years ago I said “Enough!” to feeling perpetually anxious and worried, and, with the help of teachers, coaches, books and retreats, transformed my mental outlook. It is a journey just begun, but meditation, writing and studying continues to help me break free of my “mind prison” and I look forward to helping others do the same.

When working towards a goal, how do you stay committed?
I am a big believer in accountability. By announcing what you are working towards, whether it be to yourself in writing, your team, your friends or family, you are making something known. When people hear the passion in your voice, they will naturally continue to ask you it and I find this motivating. I have monthly day-long meetings with a group of CEOs, I’ve been with the group for over 5 years. Work-wise, they keep me accountable. At Lux, everyone has their own professional and personal goals and we make these very visible so people can help and encourage each other. All that said, what is more important to me than reaching the goal, is the process, learning and behavior along the way. I’ve spent too much of my life focused on hitting a target at work or accomplishing a particular rock climbing grade that I’ve missed so much fun and enjoyment along the way. If you have a goal and you know what it’s going to take to get you there AND you enjoy and learn from the getting there, the process can be delightful.

What book(s) are you currently reading? What do you love about them?
I’m re-reading Ram Dass’ Be Here Now and I love reading it because it is literally mind-blowing. Like, it hurts my head. I love memoirs, particularly if they involve spiritual transformation and/or some epic physical undertaking outdoors. I often find these books really motivating because of the author’s commitment and discipline. I recently read Carol Dweck’s Mindset. Dweck is a psychologist who talks about the difference between fixed and growth mindsets. The power of a growth mindset (where setbacks are just opportunities to learn) is unbelievable.

Who do you follow faithfully on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Why?
I don’t. I stopped using Facebook years ago and never got onto Instagram. I check Twitter a few times a week when I’m bored. I would like to break this habit. I’d rather spend that time reading a newspaper, book, writing or just being quiet.

What’s your favorite business quote?
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.” This is Wayne Dyer. I haven’t read his books, but I know the quote is true.

Claire Booth is the owner and President of Lux Insights, a market research firm offering qualitative and quantitative research services and consulting. Lux clients include Fitbit, WD-40, Nintendo, Tyson Foods, The Oppenheimer Group and Vancity. Claire launched Lux in 2009 after ten years with Ipsos, one of the world’s largest research companies. She was recently recognized as a Top Three Finalist for the Northshore Chamber’s Business Person of the Year. 

As Chair of The Woman’s Advantage® Forum, Vancouver, I am pleased to be hosting this fabulous upcoming Woman of Insight Dinner.

A Woman of Insight is an inspirational, self-made woman who has built a highly profitable business. Get up close and personal with a dynamic and inspiring business leader. Hear how she did it, what she learned, and what she wants you to avoid. Join us, and get inspired to take your business to the next level of success!

Date: March 7th, 2017
Time: 5pm
Location: The Best Western Chateau Granville
*Early Bird Pricing until Feb 27th*